Email me to have your say for the CD.
Otherwise your life will look like this: eg Carolinda Woods
CD is available free if you attended the reunion (your extra $5 paid for that).
To order your CD copy send $5 to cover my costs to Linda Van Uitregt, 28 Barham St, Coopers Plains Qld 4108. Or to call 0401-443577 or 07-33130374. Please send info and pics with your $5 to make the CD worthwhile. The cut off date has been extended but is drawing nearer as I get more done (didn't realise that fitting in work, dramas and children with a project this size could take so long). However it will not stay open forever, I will email a warning when the files are nearly done so make sure your email address is up to date.
This is a quickie just to get the images on the site, so just hit the image name and have a look. They are scanned and thrown on in no order and no vetting, some aren't even straight but all will be well on the CD. Still under construction but more to come. Images are named.
Thanks to all those who have aided in organising the reunion so far. Especially Annie who has done more work on this than all of us put together. The best way to show your appreciation to Annie and company is to attend the reunion and have a GREAT time!